Model ___________________________________ Date _________
Aircraft Finish:
□ Covering
Check fabric/covering for loose seams, fraying, tightness, and pulling free from structure.
□ Fiberglass
Check for cracking, delaminating, and durability.
□ Paint
Check for chipping, cracking, lifting, and touch up any hanger rash.
□ Markings
Double check all markings if not painted on model to make sure they are not lifting.
□ General Structure
Check all exposed internal structure elements are secure including servo trays, exposed formers, wing bolt plates, etc.
□ Control Surfaces
Make sure all control surfaces are tight but not binding, and move within the needed range of motion.
□ Hinges/Linkages
Verify that hinges are secure and none are broken or worn. Replace if needed. Verify all linkages are secure and not looser “sloppy”.
□ Balance
Verify center of gravity (CG) and lateral balance.
□ Misc Areas
Make sure all hatches, access panels, and cowl fasteners are secure and not worn/stripped.
□ Cowl/Canopy
Make sure cowl and canopy are secure and not cracked or working loose.
Landing Gear
□ Landing Gear
Check general condition of landing gear / retracts for proper operation and clearance.
□ Wheels
Inspect and verify they spin freely and check for tightness of wheel collars/nuts.
□ Alignment
Verify all wheels track correctly.
□ Air system
Verify air system holds air in both retract positions (if installed).
Fuel System:
□ Fuel Tank
Check for leaks and check front screw for tightness. Verify fuel tank is secure in aircraft and that the clunk moves freely. Replace internal lines if necessary.
□ Fuel Lines
Check for leaks and/or blockage. Replace if necessary.
□ Filter/Pump
Check for stoppage. Clean or replace if necessary.
Engine & Propeller:
□ Mounting
Make sure motor / engine is secured to mount.
□ Muffler
Mounted securely and not leaking around exhaust manifold.
□ Engine/Motor
Verify engine/motor is operating properly and safely.
□ Propeller
Check for nicks or cracks and check propeller balance before mounting on engine.
□ Spinner/Nut
Check condition and tightness.
Radio / Electrical:
□ Servos
Verify all servos are securely mounted to the aircraft, operating properly, not binding, and servo arms secure.
□ Receiver
Ensure it is mounted securely but protected by foam. Check antenna to ensure it’s properly routed and secure.
□ Switch(s)
Ensure they are functioning properly. Old switches can have worn contacts that lead to power interruption.
□ Battery
Cycle and check charge level and capacity and replace if necessary.
□ Extensions/Leads
Check all connectors and wires for fraying or breaks.
□ Range Check
Range check model at flying field before flying it.
Identification Info:
□ Contact information
Make sure your contact information is inside the aircraft. AMA # and FAA # also clearly marked someplace on the aircraft.